Worried About Exam Results?

Worried About Exam Results?

As exam season draws to a close and results day looms, we thought we’d reflect on the wider importance of sitting exams, and how to bounce back from disappointment, should results not go your way.

Top Tips for Bouncing Back from Exam Setbacks


carol dweck quote

Image from Everyday Power – Carol Dweck is a Professor at Stanford and a renowned behavioural psychologist.

Firstly, it is important to remember that it’s normal to be worried about exam results. Setbacks are a fundamental part of life and learning – it’s normal to feel disappointed and frustrated initially. However, once you’ve come to terms with your situation, it’s important to seek support and guidance. Reach out to friends, family members and teachers for support, and advice on how to improve. Staying motivated and organised is crucial, but you may also want to consider adopting different study habits. Evaluate your learning methods, and consider incorporating new approaches. You may even want to consider using a new study environment.

We asked our MD to reflect on the importance of learning from mistakes in in your personal life:

“Success isn’t a straight line, and everyone faces bumps along the way. Sometimes setbacks can put you on a different path, help you grow as a person and work out better for you in the long run. Negative things in life can have more impact than positive things – it’s how you deal with and learn from the trials and tribulations of life that shapes who you are.”
Jonathan Whitehurst – Managing Director, Klick Technology

At Klick, we can help students grow from setbacks by providing the right classroom environments.

Important Factors to Consider when Designing a Classroom


The first thing a classroom must do is inspire its students. One way of doing this is to incorporate bright and warm colours in a laboratory. Klick did this recently at The Royal Ballet School by using yellow stools and trays, invoking sunlight and helping to brighten up the space.

the royal ballet school using yellow and grey colour combinations

View our gallery for further images of The Royal Ballet science laboratory refurbishment.


A vital component of the classroom environment is also the capacity for collaboration between teacher and student, but also amongst students themselves. One way to engender this is to think carefully about layout. Klick can offer modern and exciting options such as the Learning Curve layout at Bodmin College. This lends itself to inclusive teaching and also gives teachers flexibility in terms of the learning style they wish to employ.


All teachers know the importance of maintaining focus in a classroom. Certain shades of green are believed to promote focus, whilst shades of blue have also been found to help students concentrate. Carlton Academy, Nottingham took this on board by opting for a coloured feature wall to create a focal point.

Klick can also provide teacher walls which include tray or cupboard storage, shelving, interactive whiteboards or standard whiteboards to create a focal point for the classroom and a flexible resource. This can help to declutter desks, mitigate distractions and give the teacher a spotlight to command the classroom.


It is also important for students to be actively engaged in their learning. One way of achieving this is in science lessons is by using serviced bollards with loose tables as adopted by Callywith College. This allows for group work if the tables are arranged around bollards. However, the desks can also be moved into rows so that all students are facing the board allowing them to face the teacher.

If there is space for a separate theory and practical area this is ideal as when students are working on tables away from the practical services they are less likely to be distracted by the temptation to fiddle with the taps or plugholes.

Our thoughts go out to students with exam result concerns.


If you need advice on designing an inspirational space to help students achieve the best exam results our consultants would be happy to help. Please call 0161 9989726 or email us to discuss your plans.


Everyday Power  – https://everydaypower.com/carol-dweck-quotes/

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