The school had no hesitation in choosing Klick Technology as the furniture supplier for our science department refurbishment. Having engaged with their representative a year or two before, we felt well prepared in terms of what designs would be possible, what we could get for our budget and what the overall finish was going to be. A year or so on, I am extremely pleased to say that the same is still true. Our science department has been transformed into a modern and exciting teaching environment. The Velstone worktop has proved to be worth the additional cost and I would not hesitate in recommending it, or Klick for that matter, to anyone!
Gordon Duncan – Estate Bursar, Frensham Heights School, Farnham, Surrey
Frensham Heights School needed a complete refurbishment of their science laboratories. The labs had become outdated and they were looking for designs to revitalise the department and inject excitement into learning science.
It was important for the new science block to reflect the character of the school and be in keeping with its historical buildings. Klick designed the room layouts, giving identity to each of the labs by adopting different door colours for each room. The bell shaped pod was selected for two of the labs; this central area is ideal for demonstrations but also encourages group discussion and collaboration.
In the prep room the staff needed a way to minimise clutter. We offered the solution of mobile tray storage units which allow for easy distribution of equipment to each of the labs. The trolleys can be stored neatly under the workbenches when not in use.
One year on from the installation and the school are still delighted with their new labs. The modern dynamic teaching environment has made a really positive impact and the updated layout has improved the efficiency of the whole science department.
Refurbishment of 6 laboratories and a prep room
Frensham Heights School
IID, Richmond
9 weeks